Reimer Real Estate - Sell with us
Selling your home is always a big deal. You spent a great deal of time and effort to find the right one,
saved up for your down payment and furniture, and created many memories.
Decided to sell your home?
How we work
Pricing expertise

We set a fair and competitive
selling price for your home
Professional photos,
Professional property photos attract
the highest price for your property
Cooperation with
other agents
Listings on Reimer Real Estate
online platform, local marketplace,
social media, ADS
Cooperation with
other agents
We cooperate with other Real Estate
agents and agencies to market your
Full-time Job

Selling a home comes with a lot of
paperwork, showing property.
We handle it all
Negotiating the property

We vet all potential buyers,
identifying the serious offers and
help you make smart decisions
Reimer Real Estate Contract
Why do we need
a contract?

A contract between Reimer Real Estate and
a seller give us the right to list (advertise and
handle the sale of) your home.

Right price

Clients around
the world
service on time
No stress

How much is your home worth?
To get a professional estimate meet with our agent at your home, get the most
accurate home estimate and discuss strategies for selling.